
My Gratitude

Hello all and Happy Friday!

I was hopping through the campaigners and it occured to me that many are selling, promoting, and building their numbers. I don't have a darn thing to offer except my friendship.  Maybe it's just that life moves so fast, and I see Blogger in a different light. To me it's become an opportunity to meet like-minded people, writers that have set out on my same journey. I hate to rush it, strive for the numbers and not stop to get a feel for and get to know all of you as individuals. It seems a shame otherwise, but that's just me.
So in my own mushy way I'd like to take this moment to recongnize a few of my oldest blogger friends who were with me from the beginning, and others who have touched my heart in one way or another. Don't worry, I'll try to keep it brief. (Swampland anybody?)
Cheryl over at Kangaroos in the Scrubby Bush  (tells a tale of cute kangaroos) and Lisa at Lisa L Regan (awesome thriller writer) gave me this award.  Thank you so much ladies.  Sorry it's taken me so long to pass this on.

And Cheryl (fellow Fantasy writer) over at
http://offwithefairies.blogspot.com/ also stuck me...er...gifted me with this one.I'm going to cheat like a wayward spouse and combine these all in the sake of hating long blogs.  (There's no way I'm going through all this copy and paste again.)

Most Beautiful :
Finnegan the Squirrel  Captures the essence of nature. And he's a cute little booger.

Most Controversial :
Free Sex Advice It was supposed to be advice on how to write sex scenes without being too explicit.  It was inspired by the lovely Donna Weaver from Weavin a Tale or Two, and was also the time I thought I had scared Alex at Alex J Cavanaugh away for good.  Thank you Donna.  And Alex, I'm glad you came back.  I'd miss you. You are both way cool.

Most Popular :
Happy Birthday to Me.  74 birthday wishes and counting made my day extra special. 

Most Helpful :
Genre Map  It's a clicky thingy that helps you determine your genre.  (I hope the darn thing still works.)

Most Surprisingly successful :
Being Present  All about spending time with your loved ones and giving yourself a break from the social media.  With so many Blogger addicts here (myself included) I thought it would bomb.  I appreciate your attention to this blog. 

Most Underrated :
Panty Meme  Smutty as all hell, I admit it.  I had fun with it.  And plenty of you stopped by (fellow closet freaks).  And it made it's way around like wild fire.  Even L.G. over at Barbs and Prophets played and Carrie at So You're a Writer.  Mike, I appreciated your participation the most.  (Spidey)  Protect the Risen

Most Prideworthy : Ginger (Crime Fiction)  It didn't get tons of hits, but I found it very special.  It was also the first day Rusty at Blutonian Death Egg stopped by my blog and tipped his hat to me.  (Very cute comment.) I also appreciated seeing Lisa, above and Nancy at Nancy Thompson.

I'd like to pass on this award to all those mentioned above as well as to Eve at
The Desert Rock and Bryce over at The Preservation Society eventhough he's AWOL.  A lot of these people were with me when I had no one to come and comment.  They stopped by to say hi.  And they cared.

I've met so many wonderful individuals since then like Botanist at
Views from the Bald Patch, Roland at  Writing in the Crossairs, Joylene at   Joylene Nowell Butler , Isis at  Isis Rushdan, PK at Pk Hrezo, Julie at  Gypsy in my Soul ...I could go on and on.  I am proud to call you my blogger buds.  These awards go to each and everyone of you.  You don't have to do a darn thing...just pay the three ladies up top a visit and say hi.

Now, ten random facts about me and I will make them brief.

1. My middle name is Angelica. (Bet you had no clue.)

2. Most kids have a comfort toy.  Mine was a long-haired blonde doll.  I tore out her eyes and dragged her around by her hair. (Till this day I never had kids of my own.)
3. I had a baby chick once.  Years later my mother told me I ate it in soup.  (Scarred me for life)
4. I wear white socks with everything, unless I'm dressed up of course.  I also carry a black purse. (Both go great with hot pink) 
5. I'm a morning person, pisses people off, but they remark they miss me when I'm gone.
6. I like the dark.  I will shut windows, turn off lights, tv, the works.  (My inner vampire at work.)
7. I don't believe in buying $300.00 shoes.  There's starving people out there.

8. I've seen my share of ghosts ever since I was three.  (Scoff if you must.)
9. I can't stand parties...not when there's so much more I'd rather be doing. (However, after a glass of wine I'm good to go and can BS with the best of them.)
10. I secretly dream of being beamed out into a cool spaceship by sexy aliens.  (Oh, wait, that's no secret.)

There you have it.  Hope everyone has a wonderful day and I'm looking forward to getting to know all my new followers.  Happy blogging.




  1. Laila, I'm so glad I read this post. Now I know my book, which I've been labelling Urban Fantasy, is more Paranormal Romance/Contemporary Fantasy. Did you see that Contemporary Romance is usually set in a period like just after WWII, but Contemporary Fantasy is set in the present day? No wonder I was confused!!

    Thanks for a good post, and a really helpful link :o)

  2. No problem,Amanda. You must have played with the clicky thing. :)

  3. Congratulations on the awards!! So great to learn more about you. Love #10!!

  4. Angelica. Maybe you're part vampire. That's good name for a vampire.

  5. Congrats on the award. You really should stretch yourself on the socks. I have tons of colored socks and they light up my world!!! :D

  6. "I don't have a darn thing to offer except my friendship"
    Lady Laila, that's the most awesome thing you could offer--it's absolutely priceless. You make me laugh out loud, and reassure me that there are people out there who are just good souls. Even if they do eat baby chicks. I'm sure it had it coming.

  7. Its great to know you a little better. And a agree about the starving people. We as a culture waste so much money on non-essential things while many people suffer needlessly.

  8. You are well loved & deserve it, Laila. You're special, unique & funny. Congrats on the awards & thanks for the shoutout!

  9. Congratulations on your awards. They always feel nice to get, don't they? I loved your 10 facts about you.

    I'm with you on parties--I prefer smaller settings altho I can put on the extrovert face and BS with the best of them. The only exception to parties? I love going to military balls. I'm thinking it's the dress up and feel like a princess mode and dancing.

    Even when I was making big money, I never bought $300 shoes. I waited until they hit the sale rack and bought them for a hundred or less, ditto with clothes.

    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  10. Thanks Laila Angelica for the mention. Love it all except vampires and white socks--you're cool! (We just don't wear too many socks around here.)Congratulations on the awards!

  11. I love the name Angelica! I hate parties too. It's a curse since everyone else and their mother loves them. I have to have as much light as possible though--no inner vampire here. My feeling is if I spend $300 on shoes they better clean my house and go grocery shopping for me too!

  12. Congratulations! And of course I came back. I don't scare that easy. Sorry about your baby chick. Bet he was good though.
    And despite the numbers that follow my blog, and the fact I do have a second book coming out, I'm not rushing to beef up the numbers. Like you, I want time to get to know those who follow me.
    That and I'll panic when I go over a thousand followers because I have no idea how I'm going to keep up with everyone!

  13. Beautifully said! I love Blogger but increasing my numbers just for the sake of having more followers has never been something I've been interested in. Of course I want to increase my followers, but it's because I want to meet and connect with more great people! The friendships that come out of it are the best. :)

  14. I'm with you on the dark, parties, aliens, and shoes. Living in an alien zoo exhibit wouldn't be that bad, right?

  15. Congratulations on the award! :)

    I love mornings. I hate getting up later than 7/8, and waking up to bright sunshine always disorients me for the rest of the day.

  16. Laila, aka Angelica, you are wonderful. This is what I love about the internet and bloggers, you can't hide the fact that you're marvelous and intelligent and caring and downright adorable. Yes, I'm your biggest fan. You're going to be a huge success one day and I'll say "I knew her when..."

    Thank you for the award, sweet girl. I will cherish it. I'm off to check out your three buds.

  17. Hello everyone. Just stopped by to say hi and to thank everyone for the kind comments. I emailed most of you, except for the no-comment bloggers. And I've tried to follow all my followers. Some of you I'm still trying to figure out how to follow, but I will get there. :)

  18. Hi, Laila, you have some really interesting facts about yourself. The chick in the soup would have scared me witless too. That ghost thing? Let's agree to not talk about that. Scares me witless too. :)

    Unfortunately for me, the campaign has coincided with me trying to do several projects at once.

    Not sure I've gotten around to everybody in my group yet, but like you, I'm getting there. Doesn't matter to me whether or not you have something to sell. I met some really nice people during April's Campaign and this time around I've met some cool folks as well. For me, it's not how far I get on the journey, but the fact that I have good company.

    Congrats on the awards!

  19. Laila darling are you aware how delightful you are ? Do you usually use that to your advantage? Because you can conquer the world really..:). And that comes from one lady who dislikes women. I am sorry but I have to smooch you again :). I loved the stuff you shared about yourself. I also wondered how old you might be...21...22? ageless?(considering your alien lineage). Kisses.

  20. I like getting to know my followers too. Meeting people is more important to me than followers - although it does give me lots of posts to view and info to gather :)

    Congrats on the awards, and thanks for sharing insights into the real Laila.

    Have a good weekend.


  21. I don't believe in $300 shoes either. Cool on the ghosts. I've only ever seen one and I'm pretty sure it was a cat.

  22. It's all about the friendship, not about the numbers! Sooo with you there, Laila. I think that's the main reason I've chosen to stay out of these campaign thingys so far, and just keep plodding on in my own plodding way.

    Thanks so much for the mention. Now, I think I owe you a post about rounds of critiquing. *shuffles off to compose something*

  23. I loved this post!

    The friendship and meaningful connections are worth more than the platform. People can smell a platform for the sake of a platform. It's much better to enjoy this blogging business!

  24. Hey! I always get a little freaked out when I see a shout out. Awesome. You've been a great blogger friend just because you always seem pretty forgiving when I disappear from time to time... I don't do it on purpose. I just sorta, well, I don't know what happens. I just go away sometimes. Anyway, always nice to see what you have to say.

  25. All you have to offer is friendship? Well, that sounds good enough to me.

  26. Hah! Of course I'm associated with the smutty post... *grins*

    Congratulations on your awards, and have a great weekend!

    P.S. I'll probably have another chapter to you sometime this weekend. My nephew is spending the night, so my train has been derailed for the time being. :)

  27. Like Lydia said, it is the friendships and meeting of kindred spirits that make my blogging special. Blogger somehow kicked me off your followers list! I stubbornly re-joined! Have a great weekend. Roland

  28. The best thing about blogging is the relationships you build.

    Congrats on the awards! :)

  29. Congrats. Glad to hear about your policy on $300 shoes ;)

  30. Hi laila
    Hope you are well. You know what chick,neither do I. I have nothing to promote as yet still a work in progress. But I'm like you I like to get to know people person to person and friendship is always a great start. Simon. hello. thankyou so much for stopping by. it is fun isnt it?! :)

    Oh how right you are hunni a girl after my own heart. I know what you mean about the synopsis but it's done and so is the assignment.......on to the next lol. thanks .xxx

  31. Looking forward to your picks for the blogfest on Monday!

  32. 'I don't have a darn thing to offer except my friendship.'

    Laila, I don't think I've ever read anything more endearing on a blog. I love what you've written and can *so* identify with the sentiment.


  33. Thank you everyone for all the comments.

    @Unikorna. I love it that you think I'm 21 or 22. I'll plead the fifth and say I'm young at heart.

    @Suze. Thanks. I'm a mushy girl.


  34. Hi. Found you through Deirdra's blog. Love your 10 random things... Sexy aliens sounds perfect to me, too.

  35. You are such a sweetie! Seriously, what is this about if not to meet other cool writers? Plus I totally agree with you about the shoes, waste of money for your feet. So many good thing can be done with that kind of dough.

  36. You're a very right. The most supernal philosophy one can obtain is learned within the bathroom stalls of school.

  37. Love your fun energy.

    Is that true about the baby chick? Did you really eat it? Say it isn't so.

    Happy weekend.

  38. Thanks for stopping by earlier. Congratulations on your awards! I love the dark too, but not because I'm a vampire. I'm a sci-fi freak.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  39. 10. I secretly dream of Being beamed out Into a cool sexy spaceship by aliens. I must confess that in my teens I often imagined this as sexual fantasy, where the aliens were all beautiful women.

  40. Hi cheating Laila! I'm just popping by to say you've got some awards over at my blog, and then I was thinking WOW you read my mind. I think there may be one that you don't have there though. And I loved reading the facts.

  41. I'm not judging you for deriving comfort from that.

  42. I'm with you Laila - nothing to offer except my blogging friendship. But I'm loving getting to know new people because of it! Very interested in #8 by the way. I do not scoff.

  43. Fascinating stuff. I'm not a morning person but I am an annoyingly cheerful optimist, so I get on people's nerves also :)

    I'm enjoying getting to know people through this blogging campaign, although I'm finding it difficult to keep up with everyone all the time. I try to pop by at least once a week though.

  44. 9/18 - I am posting this on everyone’s blog:
    My father has been in and out of the hospital 3 times in the past couple of weeks.
    I have not been able to visit each of you as I would have liked.
    Today, it looks as if I am going to have to take him in again so don’t expect to see any comments from me for a while longer. I WILL be back as soon as this passes, one way or another. I have several posts that should go up automatically for the next several weeks that I have held in reserve just for this occasion. kt

  45. Congrats on the awards. You're a loyal friend, and that's one of the many things I admire about you. And you're so right, blogging is not just about the numbers, it's about relationships. Relationships we'd never have if it weren't for the blogosphere. (Of course, the danger is missing out on all those people in our lives who live right next door... can't sacrifice those!)

  46. I think offering friendship is the most important! I can't believe all the great new people I've met through blogging!

    I don't buy $300 shoes either.

    I know you've had a bunch of awards, but there is another one on my blog.

  47. Thank you all for the wonderful comments. I enjoyed reading them. You're all terrific. Welcome to all my new followers. I will follow you back. :)

  48. Dear Laila,

    I so hope that someday I prove worthy of your list. Your list of 10 things about you made me love you from head to toes and back. I was away Friday and then away again...I am glad that I decided to check recent posts. Wishing you a lovely day and week...xx

  49. MrsLittleJeans, that was a real sweet comment.

  50. Congratulations, and it's nice getting to know a fellow campaigner. I don't really have anything to sell or promote, I'm just trying to meet new people and learn new things!


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