Today I'm going to sing my praises to a blogger bud I met about 8 months ago...seriously, it hasn't been that long since I've been blogging.
Anyway, let's have a round of applause for my favorite Ninja: Alex J Cavanaugh
Not only is he a fabulous guy, highly committed to his bloggie crowds of followers, and crazy-informative when it comes to best movies, his second book is launching....see below.

Come join the party and be part of his blog tour, which runs from February 27 through March 9. Anyone who comments on his blog posts during that time can win a prize: A copy of CassaFire (cool), and CassaStar (already have in ebook format), a tote bag (nifty), and a mug (oh I do love mugs)
Here's a hint to Alex--any chance you can post a pic of yourself on your blog? I keep picturing you as a space ship.
Remember to post the CATCH FIRE info on February 28 to win prizes.
Alex, I really do hope you took the day off. I wish you the best of luck always!!!