

I’m pretty sure I’m signed up for this.  At least, I went to the site, commented, and thought I did everything right. Regardless, since L.G. Smith has dubbed me the blogger who writes explicit romantic scenes,J, I’ve decided that my first two picks will be of a more risqué nature. 

Novel to Films Blogfest

Book 1 that was made into a movie: LOLITA—a tale of passionate despair and guilty carnality.  This book was originally written in Russian, and Vladimir Nabokov will shock you.

Cover of the first edition


The story starts with a college professor named Humbert who means to spend the Summer in New Hampshire before he’s expected to begin teaching at Beardsley College.  He searches for a room to rent, and Charlotte Haze, a sexually frustrated widow, invites him to stay at her house. He declines until he sees her daughter, Dolores, affectionately called "Lolita." Lolita is a soda-pop drinking, gum-snapping, overtly flirtatious teenager with whom Humbert falls in love.  It’s an inner struggle.  Although we realize it’s wrong for this man to feel attracted to this young girl, the writer wields the story in such a way that we feel sympathetic of the main character.  Lolita is such a tease.
                                   Lolita Poster

Pick 2 book that was made into a movie: LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER. 

Lady Chatterleys Lover.jpg

Lady Chatterley is a woman who marries a nobleman, Clifford Chatterley. Constance (or, as she is known throughout the novel, Connie) assumes his title, becoming Lady Chatterley. Lady Chatterley's Lover chronicles Connie's maturation as a woman and as a sensual being. She comes to despise her weak, ineffectual husband, and to love Oliver Mellors, the gamekeeper on her husband's estate. In the process of leaving her husband and conceiving a child with Mellors, Lady Chatterley moves from the heartless, bloodless world of the intelligentsia and aristocracy into a vital and profound connection rooted in sensuality and sexual fulfillment.  Yes, it's terrible that she leaves her wheelchair ridden husband, and it makes the reader want to curse her.  And yet she feels so trapped.  The author connects with the reader in such a way that you'll find yourself cheering for this poor woman.

Lady Chatterley's Lover Poster

This is only one of the many remakes. 

That's it for today.  Only two pics so no one overlooks them.  ...^-^...


  1. You kept your list short.
    I almost signed up for this blogfest, but I didn't see it in time to do a quality post. My list would've been really long!

  2. Lolita sounds like a good read. Flirty teen-girl. They do exist.

  3. I thought Lolita was depressing. Maybe because it was a Jeremy Irons movie.

  4. I haven't seen either of these movies, nor read either book.

    I guess that makes me romance-deprived.
    Or is that depraved? I guess I need to visit the dictionary.

    This looks like a fun blogfest!

  5. @Alex. The way you love movies I have no doubt your list would be everlasting...too bad you missed it. I thought of making it a long list, but if other bloggers are like me, we have a limited amount of time to visit blogs. I have to make time for day job and my writing. I figured two good picks would suffice. :)

    @Shelly. Yes there are flirtatious teens out there, and this guy found her irresistible...shocking story really. The part that always stuck with me was when the guy is in rocking chair and has the girl on his lap...and you figure oh he's rocking her...okay. Then she starts to make noise and...holy crap they're having sex. Yikes...right...but you keep on watching. :)

    @Chris. The end of the movie was depressing. You'd think after everything the main characters invested in each other at least they would have wound up together, but they played the parts well. :)

    @Bryce. I would consider Lady Chatterley a romance, but not LOLITA. That's just plain naughty...keeps you surveying the room to make sure no one's watching you watch it. You should check it out. :)

  6. Wow, a blast from the past. It's been 25+ years since I read either one. I definitely think these books are geared toward the young and impressionable. Or am I just a cranky over-the-hill menopausal grandmother? LOL. maybe.

  7. Hah. I read Lolita as more of an autobiography of a pedophile. It was so disturbing I did not finish it.

    I loved Lady Chatterly's Lover!

  8. Lolita is hard to translate to film, but works well as a book. D.H. Lawrence is alright, but even though he was avant-garde for his time he strikes me as a little watered down compared today authors today. But maybe that's just me:)

  9. Ack! I have not read or seen either of these. But l know them by reputation, and I'm not at all surprised you picked them, LOL.

    I have a feeling your love scenes are a lot steamier than theirs. Bwahahahaha. :PPP

  10. I'm a little late responding to you guys. Hubby paid me a wonderful surprise lunch visit, threw me off my blogging schedule. I made sure to embarrass him in public by telling everyone we were going to have a quickie...but I don't think it worked. By now he's accustomed to my humor.

    @Joylene. They are definitely geared toward the impressionable. I remember listening to my parents when they watched the movies and thinking how taboo they must be...so of course when I was old enough I had to check em out. Lolita's story gave me pause because of the whole pedophile issue, but I thought Lady Chatterley was tasteful. The woman had needs. We can judge all we want, but there are real people out there that are suffering in a loveless marriage. She did what she had to do. :) (You're not old.)

    @Lisa. Lolita's guy was definitely a pervert. I understand why you didn't read it. I'm the first to condemn pedophiles. There's no excuse to mess with children...and she was a little ho. I enjoyed the movie mostly because the actors did such a great job. I didn't care for the ending...except that it was one of the few penises I ever saw on TV. That was a big thing back then...well, no, it was actually quite little...but you get the gist. :)

    @Mark. I think today's authors are steamier. It's amazing how writing has changed during the years. I wonder if you think the original copy in Russian would have been a better read. Literature tends to lose a little in translation. There were a few versions of these movies out there. I didn't watch them all, but the ones I did, I did enjoy...never one to turn my nose up at stuff until I check it out at least once. :)

    @L.G. It's not just about the sex, you fiend, :), although that is a plus. It's about the inner struggle these characters are going through in order to make sense of their lives. It's about real temptation visited upon real people. And yes, my scenes are probably hotter. Thank you very much. :)

  11. Seeing that I read mostly intrigue and mystery I have no comment to make that would be of any worth here. After all at 70 and being divorced (twice) I have hung up my saddle so to speak......kt

  12. @Kt. A little dusting and oil on that old saddle and you'll be good as new and back on the horse. ;) Thanks for dropping by and showing me your cheerful face.

  13. Dang it, I know that Chatterley story I just know I do. Either I've read it before or I've seen a movie with a similar premise. Going to have to ponder this one for a bit. Glad to hear the hubby is still surprising ya, special moments like that go a long way. have a good day.

  14. And this is the third time I've encountered this blog topic. Wish I could remember what I've seen. I'm getting old....

  15. Thanks for the introductions! I hadn't heard of either prior to this. Have a good one, Laila! :)

  16. @Mike. Well hey you, thought you were on vacation. Lady Chatterley is great...you should check it out. :)

    @Norma. Hmm, well just watch some new stuff and forget about the old. Always nice to start fresh. :)

    @Carrie. They're oldies but goodies. It's always interesing to what authors were writing back then. :)


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